Saturday, September 30, 2006

i had forgotten that

okay so i'm in Teague at my brothers.
my sister-in-law is a work-out buff, she loves it and oes it every morning. i love being here during the weekend ecause she motivates me to work out with too. during the week she gets up at 5am to workout with her sister but on the weekend end its at a decent hour or in the evening and her workout ususally consists of walking around the block.
i packed my tennis-shoes and workout clothes so i could excersize with her. we got up this morning and she announced that she would ride her bike this morning:( i knew i wouldn't be able to keep up with her on foot. and i wanted to say that if she walked i would walk with her BUT i didn't say anything. so right before she left she asked if i wanted her to see if the neighbor had a bike i could ride? YES YES YES. so we called sherrie and walked over to borrow her bike. We were on our way! Cooper was riding with us too.
as we rode through town, waving at neighbors and avoiding potholes and just enjoying being together and being outside; i remembered.....
i remembered that we used to ride together all the time and that i LIKE riding bikes and i miss riding bikes.
So i think i will take that up agian, and hey maybe i will finally get familiar with some of my is about time!
i hope your weekend is full of the things you enjoy!


Dana said...

All I could think was...How many ADD kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

jenn said...

it's funny to read that, i didn't think i was random! luvya dana

Dana said...

It wasn't random - you were just rididng bikes!

Jaci said...

I wish I had someone to work out with!! Well not really to work out with .. but someone to watch the kids so I COULD work out .. haha .. glad you had fun!!! (I rode a bike after I had Julie and it had been so long that I almost fell over I dont know how many times .. it was pretty funny)