Wednesday, September 27, 2006

i love that boy

ten years ago tonight, i had the privledg (i use that word losely) of driving to expectant ladies (not expecting) to Hilcrest Hospital in Waco. These ladies were chatty with excitement and anxious with what was to come. I, on the other hand was nervous, i had never driven to the hospital before and had only been there a few times before. i did not know where i was going but did know that what i needed out of my passengers i would have to ask for; directions of course and turn by turn instructions. We were all excitesd, we were on a mission you see, just a few minutes before our journey we were informed that my sister-n-law and their daughter was in labor. in labor with a grandchild, their first grandchild!
and man was she ever the lady chatterly! i can still see her red cheeks as she talked 90 to nothing about, well i don't remember, but she was talking and i was watching the monitors. It blew my mind listening to that little heart beat and seeing the lines move up and down with each contraction. I remember watching my brother, the proud papa to be. he sat back, on the window sill and watched everyone move from here to there and back around and listened to all the chatter and the advice given and the making fun of jabber jaws talking so much (its no wonder that kid talks a lot!) every now and again i would catch the loving glance he would give his little wife and the smile that she would return to him from across the room.
then it was time for us all to leave the room, an entrance was on its way!!!
i remember being so tired and it taking forever, i remember laying on the floor of the waiting room and looking at the double doors awaiting my brother's news every time they opened!
i can still see the look onhis face we he came out and told my parents their grand-dauthger had arrived, then quickly gave that smile he gives at telling a story, you see we knew a boy was coming to us!
Jerry Crawford Jones III arrived Saturday morning September 28, 1996 early early early- the exact time is something i can't remember but i do remember holding that cute little bundle and the moment he stole my heart the moment i beheld my favorite title...Aunt Jenn!
J.T. was such a cute little squirmy thing and had the longest fingernails. and was already the observant little man, watching and listening; just like his daddy.
that was the first precious moment he shared with me! I have been blessed with many more and know that many more will come!
So to my sweet little man, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! jenn loves you very much! (picture this pink--i had to change it b/c it was HARD to read!)
it's pink because he'll tell you that that is his favorite!


Dana said...

You are such an amazing aunt! I hope those boys, especially JT, know how blessed they are to have you!

Jaci said...

the birth of a child!! something everyone should experience in life!!!! I am so glad you were there for the birth!!!

Anonymous said...

You were right I did cry. 10 years of such a fantastic young man. What joy our J.T. has brought us and just wait....One day we will be flown to one of his professional baseball games. That will be so amazing. Can't wait to get to Teague to our boys. love, mom