Wednesday, November 01, 2006

makes me smile

some time ago a few of you started a list of things to do and things you like and even a list of things you don't like, then recently i posted a list of good things i found in a magazine that i agreed with. For the past couple of days i have been paying attention to my routine and thinking of things in that are usual and familiar to me but not in my every day life, i have been back-tracking in my mind and i have come up with a (starter) list of things that i really really love. these are not in any specific order, i they are all favorite things...
~time spent with friends
~girl time
~being wrapped in my momma's arms
~sunday phone calls
~breakfast for supper
~being a part of cooking with others
~laughing (even when i'm the joke-most of the time)
~being in the middle of God's nature
~making plans to be with friends *because being together is ALWAYS great but if we have to plan for it.... oh yes!!
~my nephews and my Ally
~feeling the wind hitting my face, dead on (this is better than feeling it at an angle)
~jumping in an ice cold river in the middle of autumn with 3 other KRAZIE ladies
~seeing God's wisdom being poored through the heart of my sister
~seeing God's power in action through the love of someone i love
~listening or seeing characteristics of an old friend or of myself
through soemone else's perspective
~pregant bellies
~baby sounds, smiles, baby feet and toes, baby noses...
~seeing success in my kiddos
~moving my leg in the morning so my foot will be on the cold spot in the bed
~listening to thunder and watching lightning
~a warm fuzzy sweatshirt or blanket
~my last bite of enchiladas
~unexpected friendships
~geting dressed up for something special
~Suzie's reaction of a new pair of shoes
~gentle touches
~playing in hair, or someone in my hair
~holiday smells from the kitchen
~seeing my paw
~the lingering rememberance of a good smelling guy on my shirt (i love Domain!)
~hearing "i love you jenn" from Ally or one of my boys (or anyone actually...)


Jackie said...

Sliding into clean sheets after a shower. The smell of Roberts neck when I'm upset. A fire in the fireplace, a cup of hot herbal tea and an afaghan being made spread over my lap. The feel of a cat's purr. Hearing and being part of the harmony in the song "There's a Stirring.

just a few. Thanks. I needed that.

Amy said...

Jenn, I too love pregnant bellies- they are so full of hope and the future!! I like waking up in a really cold room (or cabin!) and not having to get up until I am ready. Jackie, I love the smell of Andy's neck anytime - what's up with the neck thing!?!? Hearing Erin say "MOM" in her thousands of different ways, and rubbing Dana's feet when we both are on the couch. Oh, yes, and remembering Smudgie.

Dana said...

I would like to add...having to brace myself for the sudden jolting thud of a student, who rams his head into my upper arm in his version of an apology hug after a VERY frustrating morning. Today, that makes me smile.

jenn said...

i think the smell of the neck is maybe safety, protection, steadfastness, unconditional it because that's where you go for all your emotional needs? that's why i like mom's arms; that's where she takes care of me the best!
and i agree with the "there's a stirring" too! and hugs too dana (of any sort!)

andrew said...

I'm all over the sheet-thing. Taking a shower in the evening, getting ready for bed and slipping between the sheets just puts a great period to the end of the day. It just seems there are few things better.

Dana said...

Who is ready for Jenn to post a new blog? - Oh! Oh! Pick me!!!

Jackie said...

yes, darlin. Dan is right. It's time.

jenn said...

i will soon, but not today, and tomorrow as not looking good either! thanks for asking and have a great day! :p

Jaci said...

I love pregnant bellies!!! seeing James or Julie smile when I am in a bad mood always brightens my mood too. and whenever Jarred comes home .. :) .. will be looking for your new blog!!!

andrew said...

Okay, Jennifer! Today is 11/15/06. Your last post was 11/1/06. How can I help you expedite the next blog. Miss your thoughts.

Dana said...

Dad beat me to it but.....BLOG SOON! I miss ya and this is the closest I get to talking to you.

jenn said...

okay you impatient people!!! just kidding!