Tuesday, April 22, 2008

can you tell?

there are not very many people who work in the schools that would not be able to tell you what the moon will look like tonight and what the weather-man will say about the pressure.

It is definately the time of the month for a full moon. if you didn't see the magnificent display of it on saturday night, just walk abround the halls of the school for a little while. I don't know what it is about a full mon and the pull of the tide, but man it sure does do a number on the kiddos, especially the ones that we see at work!

My office mate came in this afternoon wound up and worn out! she is usually very calm, cool and collective, the one who calms me down when i'm crazy; but oh boy not today! she saw WILD kids today and whiney teachers and she is ready to scream:) things that usually don't bother her are driving her up the wall!
it's kinda funny to me that for a change our rolls are switched in our office and i'm the sounding board---it's difinately her time!
so bless you this week for dealing with kids, teachers and anyone or anything else that is effected by the moon and barometric pressure!


Dana said...

I have had two kids in the office this week and it is only Tuesday afternoon! Mind you, I NEVER send kids to the office but OH MY WORD! Yet, the weather change and the full moon together is a deadly combo!

Darla said...

Me, too, Dana. I held six kids back to "discuss" their behavior with them on Monday. Today was better but it is like trying to keep a lid on a swarm of angry bees. (and remember these are high school teens acting like little kids.)

And then on top of that to get an email discussing increasing our workload to 8 classes plus an advisory AND lengthening our day by an hour.

I am going to be applying for any job outside of the classroom that requires a masters even IF it is not in my area. I need OUT of the classroom. It is not a money thing. I have even considered just subbing to get my years in for retirement.


jenn said...

darla, i was wondering what you thought about the school day for next year. i have been thinking about you and praying for you since i heard about that yesterday afternoon! good luck with your options!