Thursday, October 02, 2008

isn't God cool...

Wow! God is so cool and His timing is so awesome!
I'm not going in to details but some of you will know and the details aren't the important part of the work taking place in my heart.

God places things in on my heart and then so wonderfully starts His plan. We've been discussing in Tuesday night Bible Study how to get over people that have wronged you and building or re-building relationships. So for a few months now a few particular things have been in the process of being worked out within me and this week, God has laid ground work for the next stage. WOW! and Okay, God, I get it, I'm moving on it.
He is so great to not only lay these plans on plain sight, but to give us friends and family that know us well enough to know how to help us through the things we need to work out. Maybe its just that God knows I'm stubborn and a little slow at things, this time I have a very close example of getting through this. My dear Jackie is taking God's lead to get past hurt and build relationships because she "gets to" and can see how things are better now. She's following God and I will follow suit.

I know God well enough to know that he was magnificent plans for our lives and that coincidences don't happen. I know there is a reason things happen "when" they happen, in my case!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Like having Mike pray for me from the Sunday thing! And me pray for Rosie about being overloaded!!

Love you too much!