Tuesday, March 03, 2009

a couple of firsts

Just a short list of a few fisrts from this weekend, not too many new things and not anything totally out of the ordinary but all new for us!
~Friday we took our first family walk! Our neighborhood has circles around and is 1 mile of nice shady road that makes for a good walk. Mikenna and I had taken a few short walks earlier in the week, but tis was my first full walk (1 mile) and the first time "Daddy" joined us! It was nice, but man I was tired when we returned home!! Hoping to walk again this evening when Mike gets home.
~Saturday was our first family outing... we went to San Antonio and traipsed around the mall a bit, met friends for a short visit and the ended up at Gruene to visit with my Aunt Beth and her Oscar and then had dinner with them. Very fun!!
~Sunday Mike and I "got in trouble" in our class (sad looks were given to us) when we walked in without Mikenna...She was in her class!!! Mikenna went to Cradle Roll class with her Mrs. Nell!!! It was hard to leave and I missed her during class, but I know that that is where she needs to be and you have to start somewhere!!!

~Monday we finally put a car seat base in Mike's truck and loaded our girl up...her first trip in Daddy's truck!!!
--Nothing spectacular, but just a few firsts!!


Amy said...

I loved Dana and Erin's cradle roll classes - those little songs implanted in their minds for a lifetime and the wonders of God's creation taught from the earliest days!! God bless teachers like Nell!

Anonymous said...

Aren't "firsts" just wonderful? Soon you will have so many it will be hard to name them all or even keep up with them! Have fun with all the "firsts".