Thursday, November 05, 2009

Poor Kenna; Poor Mommy

yesterday Mikenna was 9 months old! She is crawling, pulling up and beginning to cruise (but just a little) She has 7 teeth and loves to feed herself!! French toast was breakfast this morning and she LOVED it!
Today we went to see Dr. Perez and our beloved nurse, Miss Kitty. Her well baby check-up went great, she is 22 pounds and 27 3/4 inches; an ideal wieght for her heigth is less than 20 lbs...oops! At the end of our visit Mikenna got her Flu booster, shots are never fun, but this wasn't that bad. She cried a very short time and then even smiled at Miss Kitty when we left. We got paperwork for lab work this morning, it was to test how her blood reacts to lead. I was told that it was normal at 12 month check-ups and my doctor likes to get it down earl. since we were close to a location and had already been pricked once I decided to get it done today.
Not the most fun I have ever had...I had to hold Mikenna tight on my lap and then hold her arm in 2 places so it wouldn't move. A needle AND being held...NOT HER FAVES! They had to collect 2 viles of blood. It didnt really take that long BUT it was the longest short period of time I have ever spent as a mother! The girl taking the samples was very good at her job and she didn't have to adjust the needle or re-stick. She was very reassuring to me as well! I was very thankful for a quick job and a job well done by a very good "vampire".
We had lunch, a run to Target and met Mom and Don at Chick-fil-et on their way out of town (going to Teague to see the central Texas grands), then we had a restful couple of hours and now waiting for Mike to get home!


*Lin* said...

poor baby!!! both of you!!! kisses & I hope to get to give you both a good squeeze some time soon :)

chaussures converse said...

.I had to hold Mikenna tight on my lap and then hold her arm in 2 places so it wouldn't move. A needle AND being held...

Unknown said...

so cute mikenna!

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