Wednesday, April 30, 2008

getting it off my chest

have you ever been mad at yourself but you shift the anger and blame to someone else. you are mad at yourself or the cause of your anger, you have to make a change so you will no longer feel this way. But. if you can push it to someone else (usually someone close to you that has done nothing wrong) it is now their responsibility and you no longer have to change, it is now that person's problem. RIGHT! WRONG! Okay, so you're already mad at yourself for something, then shirk it off on to someone very dear to your heart. Now you're mad, mad more AND in the wrong. You have to appologize, and that is hard too. The longer you wait the more difficult it is, and the more mad you get at yourself and at the other person (for no realistic reasoning).

i was so there! followed by a gloomy day in my world


Darla said...

Yes, been there, done that....learning to get past it.

Dana said...

I'm sorry that you have had such a hard time! Letting go of all of that is a difficult process but can be done. You have my prayer, friend!