Sunday, February 15, 2009

at last

I can remember being a young girl in church and thinking about my future. I would be sitting with my family or even my friends and watching families around me and want what I saw. Being as young as jr. high or even younger I remember dreaming of a time when I could sit in church next to my husband, with my child in my lap. And then later (college years) praying for the time when I would find the man God created for me so we could be in worship as a family.

Today I remembered those time, those dreams and that prayer; as I sat in church next to my husband with my baby in my arms! I thanked God for answering those prayers ~ a christian man, a baby ~ with tears of joy and gratitude streamed down my face.

God is SO GOOD! It is unbelievable how He answers our prayers and takes care of us in His perfect time and His perfect ways.


Anonymous said...

Will you quit making me cry! :)
It's wonderful when our dreams are revealed. God knows the right time. Have a wonderful week. Oh and you owe me a truck full of pics!! :P

Anonymous said...

No one deserves those answered prayers more than you! I am so happy you have your Christian family! I love you!