Monday, April 20, 2009

a little more calm

Ok so work was still work today and still overwhelming and stressful. But this evening...much more relaxing than the past few! Mikenna and I got home from Charlotte a little after 5:30 and visited with Mike for a few minutes then headed to a tee-ball game while he worked in the yard! And yes it was very relaxing! We came home and watched our man in the yard, then came in. She played in her jungle and I sat. But not for long my little lady got fussy so I gave her a bath she swung for a while and napped and we rocked for a while until she instantly became famished!!! I just fed her, and we talked to her daddy through the window (he's almost finished working outside). Now it's her bedtime, Mike will get up with her tonight, I'll take her to Grandma's in the morning! I'm tired but its been a nice evening! and you know, the dishes and messy table will still be there for me tomorrow!!

I also watched The Land of Women during my evening of bliss...GOOD SHOW!!! Time to kiss my girl and her daddy and get ready for the night!!! Hope yours was enjoyable too:)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Your comment about the dishes reminds me of a cross-stitch I once saw, "Cleaning and working can wait till tomorrow, for babies grow fast, we've learned to our sorrow...." I wish I could remember the rest!
Hold on to these days while you can!