Tuesday, September 19, 2006

oh my goodness it has been WAY TOO LONG since i've been able to do this...A WHOLE WEEK! sorry guys, but i have really missed reading and writing. I don't have a 'puter at home and the internet at my office has blogspot blocked. I can only get it at my mom's or in poteet (on my conference hour) or at caleb's. but i haven't been to either of those places long enought to do anything.

Not any big news or nothing really interesting going on right now, just a few random things!

i had a great weekend!!!!!!:) mom was offered and took a job on thursday:) praise the Lord for that! she and i went to job clothes shopping on saturday, that was great, we haven't had lots of time lately to spend together! it was fun. then i met up with my boys and we went to the aggie/army game saturday night! gig em! not a big aggie fan, not a big football fan.BUT we had GREAT seats and it was loads of fun!!! i got into the yells! daniel told us about some of them, he also explainen the game to us when we didn't understand, i knew what was going on when i paid attention. i had soemone to goof off with when it was boring (i said i wan't a football fan) i was text messaging dana at certain points, we got to "saw" that was cool! and there was a drunk guy being stupid right next to us, we were waiting for him to fall off the rail, but that didn't happen. We had good parking ate good food before the game and just had an all around good time!

Sunday my girls were at church and i got to see them although only breifly, but we will have another weekend together VERY SOON!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!:)
i watched two really good movies on Sunday (see jackie, you're not the only movie nut) Everyone's Hero with my aunt and cousin and her girl in the afternoon- I love them, and then United 93 that night--good show, makes me sad to think about the drama of that day- AND it rained, bot did it rain. the lightening was too cool and i absolutely love it BUT it was a bit scary while driving in it, it was quite close!

I know yesterday wasn't part of the weekend, but bible study was real good, i was a little too tired for revelation but the discussion afterward was great and the just being with everyone there is always great! i miss our old group though!
okay, working on a book here and my time is close to being up! next time won't be too far way again! happy tuesday all!


Amy said...

Glad you're back, even though I knew most of what you wrote about! Sometimes, your writing just sounds like you talking - I love that!

It WAS a good weekend, wasn't it?!

jenn said...

yes it was! amy, i can hear y'all talk too, when i read your blogs, i know what you mean, it sounds like you're right there!

Jamie said...

I had such a great time at bible study on Monday. It was wonderful to be back there with Ray giving such great insights. Brought back some great memories. Can't wait to start making more and BETTER ones!

Anonymous said...

Mom says: Yea...she is back!!!!!I had fun Sat. too! I miss all those special one on one times we use to have. So....now when we get them it is really special. Thanks for running back and forth and bringing ole mom clothes to try on. What a switch! Ha!!!! Love ya, Mom