Tuesday, October 17, 2006


i have the privledge to share an office at the coo-op with a wonderful christian women, who is caring enough to kindly put me in my place and provide and form of encouragement me when i need it! Roxie is an interpreter for the deaf and sits in on ARDs (meeting for children in special education to review progress and goals) when translation and interpretation ins needed. she also teaches signs to non-verbal children to assist the communication process. We have a few kids in common, so every so often i will see her on my campus during the day, which is a treat, becasue just looking at her smiling face brightens my day!
God has truly blessed me because i have seen her 3 times already this morning. She had to be at an ARD for one of my kids, his mom is hard of hearing and uses signs...
so in seeing her just now, i asked how it went. This mother works very hard to support her kids and is elligible for very little financial support. They barely make ends meet. She left work this morning to attend the meeting (because she is a part of her child's education).
This is what she shared with Roxie...
She works at a restraunt cleaning in the back and helping prepare food and such; pay- $5.75 and hour (soon she will move up to $6.00.) She also breaks horses on the weekend; pay- $100.00
Now i'm not going to pretend to know how much a job like that is worth but i would think that a good hand who has a life time experiance with horses could get better than that so my mouth drops thinking, how can a family of three make it on so little?

okay, ready? this is where God knocked me to my knees. This mom said...

"we are so rich"
wow i complain about how much i don't have and she is rejoicing over the little she does have. she also said "i can now afford the good shampoo at the dollar store, not just the $0.69 kind" she offers to work 12 hour days so she can afford the little things i take for granite every day.

Count your blessings, they are many!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I've come away from many an ARD feeling just the same way; sometimes I just think I have no clue as to what some of our kids' lives are like. God forgive me for taking His gifts for granted!
Thanks for reminding me of that today!