Monday, October 16, 2006

rain makes mud

Man i love the rain! I love to listen to it, watch it as it falls from the sky and as it hits thr ground like little soldiers marching! I love it best when accompanied by thunder and lightening. I love to see the power of God and His artistic ability as it flashes through the dark night sky. I love how the rumble of the thunder shakes my entire being. I love falling asleep to thunder or waking up to rain!

Saturday morning i woke up a little after 7am, and if you really know me, you know that that is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY early and highly unusual! but it was raining outside, i forced myself up and my eyes open (at that early it doesn't come automatically). And since i had the windows open, i could smell the rain and feel the cool air. i layed there a moment and decided that i would open the back door and sit insde, right at the edge, so i could watch the rain fall on my africa (that's what we call my back yard). By the time i got my relaxing chair and a blanket, and got the door opened, the rain had stopped:( but i sat there anyway, nothing that HAD to be done right then!

as a sat there looking at the evidence from the rain, i thought about how i love to play in the rain. -not past tense- and NO i didn't play in it nor have i in a long time, but i still love the way it feels on my skin. a huge smile came to my face as i remebered one of my favorite pictures of my brother and i as children.

i don't remember the day or the or even the activity for that matter, but i have a picture of it and i remember mom talking about it and how she felt when we came inside. it must have rained real hard where we lived that day or night or whenever, and my brother and i went to play in the aftermath of the rain...oh yeah, the mud!!!!! i'm guessing Jay had a good aim that day (as usual) and i'm guessing i had fun (as usual) because i was covered with mud and a HUGE SMILE!!! it was so nice for mom or whoever did it to take that picture to capture that moment for me to remeber 25 years later and share with you.
i hope you can smile even on the muddiest of days!


Jackie said...

How awesome is that???? You lucky sap to have the mom you have!

ehy, the orange was kinda light. (of course i went ahead and read it, what can i say, i am so hooked on blogs!) You trying to blind me or what?

Jackie said...

hi swwetie! the color is much better - thanks!!! (i still haven't read your pink one. This age thing is kicking my hiney!) real quick, what i meant by we have no decision is that once we become a Christian with a true striving heart, we have all our decisions made for us. true, we don't have to, but as a Christion, we are a strange people, right? we simply are not allowed to follow our instincts and if we do, that would be a bad thing we need to work on. Am i making any sense or are we just doing the semantic thing???

love you!

Anonymous said...

NEAT!!!!! That is one of my favorite pictures. Do you remember where it was taken? At West Monroe La. This was the apartments we lived in while your Dad was going to preacher school at White's Ferry Road. That picture reminds me of the picture of J.T. and Cooper playing in the mud when they lived with us. Just chill out and get fun!!! love ya, Mom