Monday, October 16, 2006

i want to marry a man like that

having come from a poor country family, he worked endlessly on the family farm. i've heard countless stroies of that hard working people in his midst; a mother who would do laundary for neighbors and a father who bartered with his vegatables because there was not enough money for the things their family needed. Having been reared with that example, he grew to empower such strong work ethics.
He was the fastest at picking cotton, quit school to go to work and as soon as he was old enough, he joined the army and went to war.

When praised, he will remind you of his flaws because he's humble and remembering keeps him grounded.

But he loved my grandmother qith his every fiber and cared for her until her last breath. He is proud of his children and very raely speaks an unkind word, even if it's truth. He never was never too old or too big to play with his grandchildren (even in a small kiddy pool) and never grew tired of us running at his feet or sitting at his side, eating the pecans as fast as he could crack 'em! and now he sits in joy as he watches the great ones!

He remembers every great highschool athlete he watched play or run and he has friends from 60 and 70 years ago! He love God and it exudes from him, even strangers KNOW!

As we ate lunch out this past Sunday, a friend from many years ago was bragging to me what a great man he was and still is! I know i've had nothing to do with who he is but i have never been more proud than anyone than i was of my Paw-paw that day!

1 comment:

Dana said...

There is something special about Papaws to little girls. Love on him lots - I know you already do.