Monday, October 09, 2006

without boundaries

when my parents were going through uglieness at the end of their marriage, my mom would call my granny and tell her about the bad days in tears and my granny would tell her that she was hugging her and would ask mom if she could feel it. it always blew my mind that my mom could feel granny's hugs over 300 miles away AND through the phone, i couldn't understand it.

when i went to college i would call my mom in tears and she would hug me...over 300 miles away and OVER the phone...AND i understood all those hugs from my granny, I COULD GENUINELY FEEL IT! How is that possible?

today, i had a good day, a nice lunch with a nice guy and good conversation and i felt like crying--like a sad cry!
you know one of those feelings that you don't wanna cry because you are not sad, but you do wanna cry because you know you will feel better but you don't know why you wanna cry...
i was talking to my sweet friend, the one with the heart bigger than her body, and she said "cry, and when you let it all out, imagine me hugging you, because my heart is even though my arms can't!" i felt her.

distance is nothing and you can feel their arms because you feel their heart!!


Jackie said...

you are one wonderful girl. wonder if you have an inkling of how much i love you? probably not. I'll try to be better at telling you.

Anonymous said...

My Jenn---what sweet memories--you always make me feel such warm fuzzies and then.....I think---Wow God you blessed me with this amazing child!! What a special gift he gave me. I'll just con't to tell my Lord...'thanks for this precious baby girl. I'm glad your day went good. I'm praying that God will con't your friendship and...then if its God's will maybe something fantastic will come of this.

Anonymous said...

I hope that everything works out in this for you. You deserve so much happiness for all the love and joy you give to others. I'm praying for you! Love you!

Amy said...

I amen the comments above - there is not one person I know as loving as you are. My thanks for the support and laughter you give to my girl, through the good times and bad. I hope these tokens of our love for you help refill the tank you pour out of so willingly to encourage others.

Dana said...

There are very few things more theraputic than an occasional good cry. Hope it made you feel better! Love ya to pieces!

Jamie said...

I accidently posted anonmously. Sorry!