Monday, August 04, 2008

random stuff and some TOTALLY GOOD NEWS

We got a kitty a couple of weeks ago! she came up to the house one afternoon and bonded with us and then didn't leave! She's a very pretty calico, her name is Machiato which means spotted in Italian.

JT and Cooper are here for a few weeks! they've been with Mike and I since Mom and I picked them up on Thursday night:) Friday evening we went to a missions game with folks from church, had a good time. Saturday we went to Schlitterbaun with the boys and friends of ours visiting from Houston! Sunday they spent the afternoon with mom and then came home with us after supper! Today we kept Gabby, my cousins 5 month old. We went to Caleb's shop and then to the park, that was a fun time! We're still enjoying Gabby being here and just hanging at the house!!!

I called Janina (my step-mom) this afternoon to tell her about last night, she and dad were having a bad day. They have been keeping Kevin (almost 3 years old) since he was 10 weeks old; and he has been their child... His mother comes to get him a few days a week but mostly he stays with Janina and dad. well his mom has been working on getting custody of an older son and things are looking good for her, she thinks she ready to take care of Kevin full time now. Which means Janina and dad no longer need to. This is so sad for them, and it breaks my heart. please keep them in your prayers.

Last night Mike and I went forward after services to officially place membership as a family, announce the pregnancy and all that good stuff. Well, Mike told Robert that he wanted to be baptized:) I knew that Mike was thinking about it and I have been praying about it. He was baptized as a child but couldn't remember the reason he did it, he wanted to be sure it was for the right reason and that he was ok. So he did!!!! I'm so thrilled at that decision, it was really cool to have such a part in a decision so big!!!

So far, it's a great week, and it's only Monday!!!


Darla said...

It is wonderful when things start to come together for you. I am so happy for the decision that Mike has made.

I said to Belva just a while ago, "Once I got my life back on the right track God has blessed me tremendously. If I should not receive one more blessing I have all that I need right now."

Anonymous said...

We are thrilled for Mike...what wonderful news...we are so proud of him!

Jenn...thanks for the request for prayers -- it is something we need alot of in dealing with our loss. Ya know, we got Kevin whe he was
10 WEEKS OLD! That was Dec. 5 of 2005. We had him most of that month with the exception of a few days when his grandmother would get him. By January of 06 we had him all the time. His entire life up to this point we have been his parents and we have been blessed beyond measure to have him as a son. Our hearts break...thank you for the prayers and the request from others.

Anonymous said...

Jenn.. I wasn't yelling when I wrote 10 weeks old...and I wasn't trying to correct you . I was just thinking about how long ago it was.'s been some wonderful years!